For the past 10 years, MSI has proudly offered its award-winning industry-recognized degrees in Sri Lanka through The Management & Science Institute (MSI). These programs have been offered in several key disciplines that are geared to meet the needs of the future business landscape. These include the bachelor’s in international business (Hons), Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Hons), and the Bachelor’s in hospitality & Tourism Management (Hons).
Taught by an outstanding international faculty and industry experts, who guide students to grow both personally and professionally, all degrees are designed with a blend of theory and practice. MSU degrees are currently well accepted amongst employers in the market, which in turn ensures enhanced employment opportunities for its graduates
Biomedical science has become vital in many health-related areas such as genetics, reproduction, the cellular and molecular structure of diseases, pharmacology and pathology. With these new advances emerging in the biomedical field, there is an increased demand for qualified scientists to fill the gap between human resources and the research requirement in the industry.
With the objective of producing graduates with in-depth knowledge and understanding of all major areas in this fast-escalating field of work, the Management and Science University (MSU) having a long-standing reputation of excellence in biomedical science teaching, is internationally recognized for its strength within the field.
The Biomedical Degree from MSU is available for Sri Lankan students through MSI Colombo Learning Centre. The program is specifically designed for those who wish to gain employment as biomedical scientists in the health sector or any other related sectors like the food industry, microbiology, pharmacology etc.
Covering both theoretical knowledge and practical skills required across a diverse range of areas in biomedical science; the program imparts knowledge in basic biology to specific subject areas and provides a thorough understanding of human biology and health, with an emphasis on causes, diagnosis and treatment of disease at the molecular and cellular levels, and all areas of human physiology and cell biology and genetics.

Students will also develop practical and research skills through a wide-ranging practical experience in a laboratory environment under the guidance of MSI’s world-class lecturers. To support their studies, students will have access to modern, well-equipped laboratories with state-of-the-art facilities and the support of laboratory specialists and IT technicians. Taught by a team of enthusiastic academic professionals, who are also active researchers. The delivery of knowledge comprises a range of methods including lectures, seminars, work shadowing placements, group discussions presentations, case studies, industrial visits and laboratory practical’s.
The knowledge and experiential skills that students receive on this course, upon graduation will pave the way for them for a successful career in medical research, in hospitals and Laboratories, Universities, Public health services, the pharmaceutical industry and many more related industries. Be part of an exciting field where you could make a difference in the lives of people and communities.