- Clear indicator that graduates are work ready
The 2020 Quality Indicators of Learning and Teaching – (QILT) conducted by Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment for undergraduate salaries of all public universities in Australia and confirmed that ECU graduates receive one of the highest starting salaries in the country.
In 2020, and for the 5th year in a row, ECU received the top undergraduate teaching quality ranking of all public universities in Australia.
QILT results are based on hundreds of thousands of surveys completed by students from the 41 universities across Australia, both public and private. Over 85% of ECU students surveyed rated the quality of the teaching they received positively.
ECU was also the top-ranked Australian public university for undergraduate skills development (now six years in a row) and second-placed public university for overall educational experience.
Notably, the university ranked in the top quartile (top 25%) in every single QILT category.
ECU is Australia’s top public university for undergraduate skills development in the Business and Management and Law and Paralegal disciplines.
In the Teacher Education discipline, ECU was rated Australia’s top public university for undergraduate teaching quality and overall education experience.
In the Rehabilitation discipline, ECU is Australia’s top university for undergraduate teaching quality, student support and learning resources, as well as the country’s top public university for undergraduate skills development.
ECU is also Australia’s top university for undergraduate skills development in the Computing and Information Systems disciplines and Australia’s top university for student support in Engineering.
These results based on the QILT Student Experience Surveys for 2018 and 2019.
Information on the ComparED website about student learning experiences is sourced from the Student Experience Survey (SES).

The SES is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment and has been administered by the Social Research Centre since 2015. The SES is the only comprehensive survey of current higher education students in Australia. Around 180,000 undergraduate students and 83,000 postgraduate coursework students from Australian universities and non-university higher education institutions (NUHEIs) participated in the 2019 SES. The survey collects information that helps both higher education institutions and the government improve teaching and learning outcomes, and reports on multiple facets of the student experience.