The turbulent economy and hyper competition are making businesses more and more complex. There is amazing growth of technology use in pandemic times which has sped up the processes. Change has become a norm and speed is becoming a custom. Managing complexities of the business, adopting changes, maintaining speed with accuracy, environmental concerns, business ethics, corporate governance, team building, mentoring and leadership, visualizing future, are some of the issues which figure prominently in the boardroom meetings.
These issues call for personnel who are skilled in handling such challenges, leading to companies now constantly in search of competent employees to address these issues effectively. This has led to a growing demand for persons qualified in Management and Leadership abilities that in turn has created a need for MBA’s with a relevance to current context.
Such an MBA currently endorsed by employers globally is that offered by the University of the West of England, Bristol delivered in Sri Lanka by The Bristol Institute. The MBA program constitutes an interdisciplinary approach and an enterprise wide outlook that has a combination of Theory, Practice and Research dimensions. It not only focuses on delivery of knowledge, but also on skill development and attitudinal issues and aims at widening horizons and broadening visions with the capacity to change paradigms and enhance thought processes.
Taking a proactive step to support young finance professionals to capitalize on attaining this employer accepted and globally accredited MBA, Bristol has extended a special waiver for The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) exam completes and members to enhance their profiles. The offer constitutes of an unmatchable discount for the value of Rs 100,000 to pursue the MBA or the Msc in Accounting and Finance from the University of the West of England, Bristol.
Mr. Dilshad Jiffry (Chief operating officer – Bristol Institute) stated that this offer comes at a time where it will contribute immensely to the development and improvement of leadership education in the country, when the nation is gearing up for a new era in the midst of a pandemic. The looming economic situation due to the Pandemic also means that people will need to improve their leadership and business skills.
“We are living in an unprecedented time. While none of us have ever experienced challenges as seen today, the speed and scope of the coronavirus crisis poses extraordinary challenges for businesses that requires strong leaders who will act in a prompt, honest, and iterative fashion, communicate with transparency, respond productively to challenges posed and to lead with empathy. Some of the most challenged will be finance professionals who will be called upon to make businesses profitable and this is one of the main reasons that we wanted to offer special facilities to those aspiring for careers in finance. CIMA having one of the largest membership of finance professionals in the country means that it makes sense to offer a special scheme to suit their needs, and that is what we have done through this offer. We intend in the future to offer similar schemes that will be specialized to suit other leading professions in the country.”
Ms. Zahara Ansary ACMA, CGMA, Sri Lanka Country Manager of The Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, the unified voice of AICPA & CIMA stated, “We are grateful to BIBM for this special offer and waiver of fees for CIMA Exam completes and members for their MBA program. Specially at a time like this such a waiver will be of great value to our community of finance and business professionals”.