
Cosmetics have been widely defined as ‘a substance or preparation intended for placement in contact with any external part of the human body.’ Humans have been using various cosmetic substances for at lesser 10,000 years for purposes of beauty and maintenance. Cosmetics have turned into a huge need in society today and is now one of the biggest markets. Cosmetic advertising was previously directed mainly at women, but now they have been targeting a wider audience to include people of all walks in life.
With the intention of spreading awareness on the widely growing cosmetic industry and to tackle the stigma around the chemical usage in such cosmetics, a seminar on “The Importance aspects on Cosmetics” will be conducted by the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon via Zoom, on the 15th of May 2021 from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm.
As consumers of so many day-to-day cosmetics that are ranging from shampoo, cologne, toothpaste, deodorants, face wash and make-up etc it is important to know exactly what comes in contact with our skin. Personal grooming and hygiene is paramount for a person’s wellbeing. This seminar would also be of immense use to anyone who is looking into stepping into the Cosmetic market with products of their own or even to be a specialist in the Cosmetic Industry.
The program hopes to cover topics such as the Biochemistry of Skin Care and Ageing, Fragrance Chemistry in Cosmetics, Cosmetic Formulation and Microbiology, Quality Control in Cosmetic Industry, and the Marketing aspects of Cosmetics.
You can register the webinar by visiting the IChemC website (ichemc.edu.lk) and more information can be obtained by contacting the Institute at 011-2861231. Also, you may obtain above information by sending an email to cosmetics.ichemc@gmail.com. For more details ( Ms.Sajani (071 6803751) / Mr. Sashen (0774711954)
Janangi Liyanage,
Organizing Committee, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon