Throughout its two years of educating Sri Lanka’s professional community and aspiring high achievers, Bristol Institute of Business Management has maintained the standards, discipline and commitment to quality of its partner university, the University of the West of England, Bristol (UWE Bristol).
Highly acclaimed in the UK and around the world, UWE Bristol was recently ranked 21 in the UK in the latest annual Guardian university league table – a climb up from its 28th position previously. Rising seven places in The Guardian’s higher education guide for 2021, testifies its strict adherence to quality and the continuous development of its curriculum, programmes and qualifications.
The current challenging market situation for graduates :Chief Operating Officer of Bristol Institute M.J.M. Dilshad stated“In our current corporate environment, the demand for educatedand experienced professionals has never been higher, making it almost mandatory to have a recognized MBA or MSc for anyone to explore their future management and career prospects.
The importance a highly ranked and globally recognized MBA qualification : The problem is this demand has led to a saturation in the market, with people attaining an “MBA” or “MSc”, that simply lack the credibility and depth to really mold a student’s mind to that of a more refined corporate performance engine and thereby not living up to the expectations of attaining the qualification.
Therefore, the best advice when looking for an MBA or MSc locally, is to consider its ranking on a global stage, practicality of application in a real world business environment and validity of its certificate.
As such, UWE being ranked 21st in the Guardian League Table means when our students register with us for a programme, they also register with UWE Bristol as internal students,thereby attaining a qualification that is highly acclaimed and recognized by employers on a global scale.
Bristol incidentally is the highest ranked UK University to offer an MBA or MSc in Sri Lanka, and hence arguably the best UK Qualification that any corporate professional can hope to attain, while studying as a full time student in Sri Lanka.
Benefits of a foreign university MBA program : Dilshad further explained that Internal UK Programmes also have Rigorous QA protocols that are constantly revised to ensure students receive an education that is abreast with all current thinking and applications.
The learning process is globally recognized which is ideal for students who hope to explore overseas job opportunities, or even continue their academic study overseas with transferable points and credits.
Updating programmes also means constant updating of learning material and platforms, with students receiving the best learning materials and access to research and ALUMNI connections from all over the world.
All these factions together lend to a qualification that can be done at a fraction of the cost of doing them overseas and in obtaining all the perks of being an internal student of a recognized foreign university.
Maintaining the standards of the partner university: The Bristol Institute of Business Management currently offer four programmes from UWE, namely the General MBA, MSc in Accounting and Finance, BSc(Hons) in Accounting and Finance and BA(Hons) in Business Management.
With the Superior ranking of UWE that stands head and shoulders above its rival UK Universities allows Bristol Institute to grant students many benefits from full point allocations for those that are exploring skilled migration to opportunities to transfer to UWE: Bristol as internal students while being entitled to the exact same classroom and learning facilities as their counterparts in the UK.
All programmes are offered at the weekend, fulltime or with part-time options. With a distinguished faculty of lecturers consisting PhD Holders, researchers, highly experienced professionals and industry experts, the institute offers an unparalleled learning experience that reflects the standards of UWE Bristol.